Thursday, April 29, 2010

Pippi Longstocking

Dear Mrs.D,
I have read the book "Pippi Longstocking". This book is about a young girl named Pippi who lost her father while on a ship in a storm and loses her troubles by meeting new friends. Pippi is always telling lies and just wants to have adventure. So far Pippi is having her party and is giving gifts to her friends even though its her birthday!!

Kelsey B.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


I love reading book club. I'm ahead of everyone.[Guilty] This book is about an Eskimo that wants to find his song. He hates how the world evolved into a noisy place. He moves in with the wise-man of the village. When Russel learns how to hunt, he is sent on a journey to find his song. When his journey begins, the wise-man sees his death and asks the boy to leave him on the ice. Russel is still traveling along, when suddenly he has a dream. In the dream he saw himself killing a Wollymammath. CYNTHIA EDWARDS

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


I have a reason for writing late. I knew that everyone who read inkheart was supposed to finish last night. Get this Meggie can read things out of the book to, just like her father. Felingo writes a whole new ending to inkheart and Capricorn dies. Meggie's mother has lost her voice from being read out of the book wrong. Elinor's books were burned, but they are replinished. They live happily ever after with the faries.I am now on inkspell.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Coffeehouse Angel

Dear Mrs.Dubnik, April, 20, 2010
I have been reading the book " Coffeehouse Angel" by Suzanne Selfors. In this story so far, a girl named Katrina is working in a place called " Coffeehouse". Katrina was going to take out the garbage when she sees a homeless guy behind the shop. She gets so scared, but, Katrina calms herself and leaves a cup of coffee and pastries for the man. She calls up a friend, but, when they check again he is gone along with the snack. The craziest thing of all is that when she was waving goodbye to her friend, the empty Styrofoam cup stopped at her feet!!
Kelsey B.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Year The World Was Out Of Step With Jancy Fried

Dear Mrs.D, April, 14, 2010
I have been reading the book " The Year The World Was Out Of Step With Jancy Fried" by Jean Fielder. In this book a girl named Jancy who is turning twelve is Jewish and feels like she is different than other Jews. At her birthday party while they were getting the food out, Jancy hears a rude comment from a friend about being Jewish!! She gets so upset even though she gets the best gifts, especially from her father which is a piano!! Jancy at least has something to cheer her up, which is letters from her 15 year old cousin named Phillip, who is starting to live under Hitlers rule!! I have truly enjoyed this fantastic book!!

Kelsey B.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


In my book the main characters are Meggie and her father Mo. They love books and her father is a book doctor. The secondary characters are Dustfinger, Capricorn and Elinor. Strange things happen all because of a book. Mo can read things out of their stories!I CAN'T GIVE ANYMORE AWAY!!!I'M ON CHAPTER SEVENTEEN!!I'LL READ MORE! CYNTHIA EDWARDS

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

the-sisterhood-of the-traveling-pants!!!!!!!!

In this [awesome] book! 4 16 year old girls are separated for the summer. Their names are Tibby, Bridget, Lean, and Carmen. O!M!G[gosh]! They try on a pair of pants that makes them all look good . They hold a ceremony to promise to always trade the pants by mail. they come up with a list of rules. So far lean has just arrived in Greece! I love how It separates the characters in different worlds. One is having boy trouble. Two are in love. One has found another best friend. I'll have to read more!B!B!B!B!B!B!Y!Y!Y!Y!Y!Y!E!E!E!E!E!E!

Secrets, Lies, and Algebra

Dear Mrs.Dubnik, April 6, 2010
I have been reading the book "Secrets, Lies, and Algebra" by Wendy Lichtman. In this book, so far, I have read about a young girl named Tess in the eighth grade who's favorite class is Algebra because there does not have to be one solution to every problem. Tess has heard about the death of a woman who is Rob's (an art teacher's) wife. The woman was said killed of suicide by sitting in a car,doors locked, smelling the fumes of carbon monoxide. Her mother says Rob has been acting strange ever since and told her mother about how before she died, she said she was cold and grabbed slippers to wear and commited suicide. Tess feels it might have been murder along with her mother.
