Monday, November 8, 2010

42 Miles

November 8th, 2010
Dear Mrs.Dubnik,
I just finished reading 42 Miles by Tracie Vaughn Zimmer. This book is about a girl named JoEllen. Her parents separated when she was still in diapers.Her Mom lives in the city,her Dad in the country.When with her Mom and school and stuff she is known as Ellen.When with her Dad in the countryside and cousina and family she is known as Joey.In the book she tells about her 2 different lives and how she just wishes they would combine and she could be one person again.She soon changes everything to how she wants and when she turns 13 she has what she mostly wanted ... 1 birthday party.She also tells about what she wishes to do when she accomplishes her goal and once she dreams you cannot stop JoEllen.
In this book there is a lot of imagery.There were so many times where i could just see it, hear it, feel it, taste it, and smell it. I could see her cooking meals and getting everything just how she wanted it.I could hear her cousin Hayden playing the guitar along side her Dad playing her Papa's banjo.I could feel her dreaming and how it grew into being her real life.I could also taste and smell all the food recipes they made upand then ate. Finally I could smell the funnel cake and hot dogs at the county fair.
There are many feelings in this book.I think the author is trying to tell a story about a girl with two lives and how she finally gets her confidence and gets the life she wants.In the text it tells about all her dreams and how she just wants one life and she finally gets it.I feel that the authors message came across clear and possibly could be a persons true story.As I finished the book i was happy and encouraged. i was happy that JoEllen had gotten her confidence and got the kind of life she could enjoy and she definetly wanted.
By the time I finished this book I was satisfied. this very well could be a true story. If it isn't than the author made it come across as if you were JoEllen.I am always looking for a positive ending and this was one.But like most books it makes me want to read more by that author. Once again I read 42 miles by Tracie Vaughn Zimmer.
Haley Thackston

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