Monday, September 12, 2011


Dear 6th graders,
There are a few thing I remember about Mrs.Martin and Mrs.Dubnik from last year. I think you will enjoy these events as much as I will think back and laugh about them through out the rest of my life.
Well for Mrs.Martin she has some awesome ring tones and a very comfortable couch. Also never talk her into buying more hermite crabs.Another big thing I relized was that if you flirt with guys or for guys flirt with girls, she will catch you and she will tell your dad. The same goes to Mrs.Dubnik. Thanks Mrs.Martin & Mrs.Dubnik :).
Don't even get me started on Mrs.Dubnik. First she hits people with random things such as paper,markers,& textbooks (wear helments!!!!!!) That's not all if you pay attention she always says crayins not crayons but crayins, REALLY!!! Another one is don't think you will get to pass notes and get away with, NOOOO! I have tried, waste of paper. One more thing when you get on her nerves,it is always funny(mess with her mind!!!!)
Those were somethings I remember about Mrs.Martin & Mrs.Dubnik.But they do teach you alot.This year I was in a normal ELA class.When my teachers got back my pass scores I was about to cross 680,tomorrow I start an advance ELA class. Love
Abbi Rudisill
P.S Hairspray Rules!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

I am going to try and come to meet the teacher to see ya'll. I can't wait for school to start! Hopefully I will get teachers as great as you.
Love ya,
Crayons (Abbi Rudisill)

Sunday, June 5, 2011


I miss yall. I wish that we were still in school ( without the work u know lol.)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Dear Mrs.Dubnik,
OK, so the jeremy book was stupid and I didn't like it. So, I have started on another book called Hoot and the author is Carl Hiaasen. So far Roy is on the bus and is being bullyed by a kid on the bus, when he spottes a kid with no shoes running for no reason he starts to watch the boy run as fast as he could into a bush. In the mean time the bully has Roy's face smushed into the window on the school bus.
-Abbi Rudisill

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Jeremy Fink and the Meaning of Life

Dear Mrs.Dubnik, This week have been reading Jeremy Fink and the Meaning of Life by Wendy Mass. The characters are Jeremy and Lizzy. In the beginning They two friends are in a comic store when Lizzy yells run. As soon as she said that Jeremy knew what she had done, she stole a comic book from the store. When Jeremy caught up with Lizzy he started yelling at Lizzy for stealing a comic book from his uncle's store. When they got back to the apartment building there was a package for Jeremy's mom and Jeremy and Lizzy talked the mailman into giving the package to Jeremy. That is what I know so far. I will update next week.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Dear Mrs.dubnik,
This week i have been reading my book Uglies by Scott Westerfeld. the main character Tally and her friend Shay have been trying to get in touch with David. Only Shay has ever met David. Soon after the no show Shay and Tally go home but once they got back to the river Tally saw something in the distance. The next day in Ugly Town Shay and Tally plan a last trick they will ever do as uglies.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Dear Mrs. Dubnik,
This week I have been reading Uglies by Scott Westerfeld. So, you can tell that this book is really old because Tally didn't know what a roller coaster is. Shay talked Tally into going to the Rusty Ruins and then took Tally to a roller coaster and there so a problem when Tally was on the ride. you have to read the book to find out what the problem is.
The main character is Tally right now she is a ugly once she turns 16 in a few months she will have to go into surgery and become pretty. Weird I know right. The person she hangs out with is Shay and Tally have the same birthday. Shay is ugly, too. Also she knows more than shay does on the subject of the Rusty Ruins.

-Abbi Rudisill